The curated collection of the Top News Videos for the third quarter 2021 is here.


Mafia of the Powerful – Catherine Austin Fitts
OVALnarrative – Ausweichkanal | September 16, 2021
Larry and Carstens Excellent Pandemic
Best Evidence | August 17, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Special Solari Report: Game Stop & Naked Short Selling with Lucy Komisar
Solari | August 19, 2021
China Hiding Finanacial Crisis
Sky Channel 523 | Sepember 27, 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts and Rocco Galati have URGENT Warnings Regarding Mr. Global Plans
Bitchute -Vaccine Choice Canada | September 28, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
De échte reset is de Going Direct Reset – Elze van Hamelen en Catherine Austin Fitts
Odysee-CafeWeltschmerz | September 15, 2021
The Energy Crunch is going to Impact you and your Family
Peak Prosperity | September 28, 2021
Dark Journalist Interview Catherine Austin Fitts on Central Bank Digital
Dark Journalist | July 20, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
The energy crunch is going to impact you and your family
The energy crunch is going to impact you and your family
Top News Videos
Top News Videos


A message of hope & freedom – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
YouTube – Children’s Health Defense Europe | October 27, 2020
Russian Federation – Minister of Foreign Affairs Addresses United Nations General Debate (EN)(subtitles available)
United Nations | Sep 25, 2021
President of Croation: The Media Spread Panic and Nonsense. We will not be Vaccinated Anymore
Bitchute-PCS | September 20, 2021
Top News Videos
🇷🇺 Russian Federation - Minister of Foreign Affairs Addresses United Nations General Debate (EN)
🇷🇺 Russian Federation - Minister of Foreign Affairs Addresses United Nations General Debate (EN)
Top News Videos
Chip Roy Warns Biden: ‘At Some Point The State Of Texas Is Going To Force A Constitutional Showdown’
YouTube – Forbes Breaking News | Sep 23, 2021
Julian Assange speaking on Afghanistan in 2011
Publisher-rockyoumentally | August 19, 2021
Qantas Pilot Speaks Out About Vaccine Mandate
Publisher-Light2au | September 7, 2021
Chip Roy Warns Biden: 'At Some Point The State Of Texas Is Going To Force A Constitutional Showdown'
Chip Roy Warns Biden: 'At Some Point The State Of Texas Is Going To Force A Constitutional Showdown'
Top News Videos
Top News Videos


A History Teacher’s Warning | October 7, 2021
German Street Protest of Lockdowns
YouTube- Truth Matters | January 5, 2021
Les anti-pass ne lâchent rien à Chambéry
YouTube-8 Mont-Blanc | July 21, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Les "anti-pass" ne lâchent rien à Chambéry
Les "anti-pass" ne lâchent rien à Chambéry
Hudson mayor demands all school board members resign or face possible criminal charges over…
Bitchute-Liberum Arbitrium | September 16, 2021
Dr. Sets School Board Straight on Virus! Best Yet!
Bitchute-CoreysDigs | August 10, 2021
Ethics Professor Dr. Julie Ponesse Threatened With Dismissal For Refusing Vaccine
YouTube-Basil Frangias | September 8, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – His View On The Pandemic And Crimes Against Humanity Committed
Bitchute-Earthnewspaper | Sep 21, 2021
DR Vlad Zelenko Offers Two Minutes of Wisdom
August 2021
Tucker Carlson: The cult of coronavirus has become its own religion
Bitchute-Liberum Arbitrium| September 8, 2021
Dave Is Left Speechless After Tucker Admits This (Pt. 1) | Tucker Carlson | MEDIA | Rubin Report
YouTube-The Rubin Report | September 6, 2021
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Top News Videos
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Top News Videos
Top News Videos


Big Money, Creepy Technology, Cash friday with Whitney Webb
Solari | September 2021
Digital ID Wallet – Thales
Thales | Oct 22, 2020
Temperatures Rise at the Weather Channel (2014)
Bitchute-PCS | July 9, 2021
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Top News Videos
Digital ID Wallet - Thales
Digital ID Wallet - Thales
Top News Videos
Top News Videos


Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium Videos

A Conversation with Dr. Marcia Angell
YouTube-HMS Center for Bioethics | November 25, 2015
Dr. Simone Gold at the German Corona Committee – May 28 2021
Odysee-Back To The Light| May 28, 2021
DarkHorsePodcast – Dr. Brett Weinstein, Dr. Robert Malone and Mr. Steve Kirsch
Bitchute-officialplandemic | July 8, 2021
The Highwire…Dr Mike Yeadon (starts 1hr.30m)
The Highwire| July 12, 2021
A Conversation with Dr. Marcia Angell
A Conversation with Dr. Marcia Angell
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Health Freedom Defense Fund Sues the Biden Administration with Leslie Manookian
Solari-CHD | July 23, 2021
God on COVID: Eric Clapton’s "Disastrous" Vaccine Experience
YouTube-Marcus Singletary Dot Com | July 24, 2021
Attorney Thomas Renz Drops BOMBS! Hospital Administrators Killing For Cash, Threatening Docs
Bitchute-Exposing Corruption | August 14, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Dr. Ryan Cole #StoptheMandate | Health Freedom Idaho
Banned Youtube Videos | August 16, 2021
Dr_Michael Palmer with Catherine Austin Fitts – Understanding Medical & Economic COVID Motives
Taylor Hudak-The Last American Vagabond | August 31, 2021
Dr. Zelenko – Google Executives Know Not to Take the Poison – They are taking HCQ and Ivermectin
Bitchute-XandrewxX | September 8, 2021
Holocaust in Israel: Leaked Call with Pfizer Scientist Admits Israelis are Lab Rats for COVID Shots
Bitchute-HealthImpactNews | September 15, 2021
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Top News Videos
Top News Videos
MD Whistleblower in the Military Grounds Pilots due to Vaccine! New Lawsuits Filed by Dr Simone Gold!
| September 15, 2021
Must Watch!!! Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid
Especeally compelling testimony at 5:05 and 11:45

Bitchute-TheCrowhouse | September 16, 2021
NCAA Student Golfer Has Heart Disease after COVID Shot – Offered Bribe to Silence Story
Bitchute-HealthImpactNews | September 17, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
James O’Keefe & HHS Insider Jodi O’Malley discuss #CovidVaxExposed Part 1 Facebook/Instagram Removal
YouTube-Project Veritas | September 20, 2021
Pressekonferenz: Tod durch Impfung/Undeklarierte Bestandteile der COVID-19-Impfstoffe
Bitchute | September 20th, 2021
DeSantis chooses Dr. Joseph Lapado as Florida surgeon general
YouTube-ABC Action News | Sep 21, 2021
PART 2: FDA Official ‘Blow Dart African Americans’ & Wants ‘Nazi Germany Registry’ for Unvaccinated
YouTube- Project Veritas | Sep 22, 2021
James O'Keefe & HHS Insider Jodi O'Malley discuss #CovidVaxExposed Part 1 Facebook/Instagram Removal
James O'Keefe & HHS Insider Jodi O'Malley discuss #CovidVaxExposed Part 1 Facebook/Instagram Removal
Top News Videos
DeSantis chooses Dr. Joseph Lapado as Florida surgeon general
DeSantis chooses Dr. Joseph Lapado as Florida surgeon general
PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germany Registry' for Unvaccinated
PART 2: FDA Official 'Blow Dart African Americans' & Wants 'Nazi Germany Registry' for Unvaccinated
The Testimonies Project – The Movie (
Bitchute-Banned Youtube Videos | September 28th, 2021
Johnson & Johnson: ‘Kids Shouldn’t Get A F*c^ing [COVID] Vaccine;’ There are “Unknown Repercussion..
Bitchute-Project Veritas | September 28th, 2021
Urgent message from university hospital manager and academic Kieran Morrissey
Bitchute-Willyalfredo| September 30, 2021
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Top News Videos
Nurse Whistleblower Breaks Down, Cries in LIVE Tell-All Interview
SixthSense-Stew Peters Show | September 30, 2021
Meryl Nass, MD – What’s Ailing All of US – It’s a Scam
Bitchute-Tremregi| October 4, 2021
Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails Exposing Suppression of Covid Vax Info From Public
Bitchute-Project Veritas | October 7, 2021
Food War: Farmers, Ranchers & Our Food Security
Solari-Hive Mind | July 6, 2021
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